Week 1

Learn NodeJS via lodash and html-gen

Your learning challenge this week has two parts. First, for team co-learning, make an initial contribution to the ucdd-lodash library. Second, for individual learning, continue to develop the html-gen library.


Github Repositories





Team Learning (50 points)


  1. Have each team member implemented ONE function in lib/ucdd-lodash.js (40 points)
  2. Have made a single pull request to the class’s repository (10 points).

Time and Location

Each team decides on a time and location to meet before the submission deadline.


  1. The team leader should create a fork from ucdd2-sp15/ucdd-lodash.
  2. Each team member should create a fork from this team’s fork.
  3. Everyone should work on a separate fork to implement the ONE function.


11:59pm, Friday


Individual members should first submit pull requests to the team leader’s fork. After mering all the pull requests from other team members, the team leader should make a single pull request to ucdd2-sp15/ucdd-lodash. In the pull request message, the team leader should list the names of the team members and also write down the points the team has earned.


People who fail to show up and participate in a team learning session will not earn any point from this part.

Individual Learning (50 points)


  1. Have implemented N functions in lib.js (10 x N points = ? points, Max: 40 points).
  2. Have committed and pushed my implementation to my own fork (10 points). The final commit message should report the number of points earned.


11:59pm, Sunday


You do not need to make a pull request from your fork of html-gen. You just need to make sure you commit your code and push this commit to your own Github fork. We will assume your most recent commit prior to the deadline is your submission.


We will use a honor system in which you will self-report the points you believe you have earned. For the team learning part, the team leader reports the points earned in the pull request message. For the individual learning part, you report the points you’ve earned in the last commit message prior to the deadline.

Each week, the grader for this class will take a random sample of the submissions to check for consistency to ensure fairness and promote honesty.