
JQuery + Public APIs

Your learning challenge this week is to do two mini projects using jquery.

For the team learning component, the mini project is modify the data backend of the yelp-jquery site your team has worked on in the previous week. Rather than pulling in static JSON data, your team should now use the actual Yelp API.

For the individual learning component, the mini project is to build a new site. Take any public API and build a site for interacting with the API, simialr to the one you’ve built for the sunlight hackathon. But you need to work on this site individually. This is to make sure you have indeed obtained the skill to independently build something awesome.

Team Learning (50 points)


Get your team’s yelp-jquery site to use the Yelp API


11:59pm, Friday


Same as the previous week

Time and Location

Each team decides on a time and location to meet before the submission deadline.



The team leader will again take individual teams’ pull requests, merge them, and make a single pull request to the original repository, which is ucdd2-sp15/yelp-jquery.

Use the following Markdown template in the pull request message.

# Team members

# Score


which gh-page url to access your team's single-page app?

# Meeting Location

# Meeting Time
when? how long?

Individual Learning (50 points)

Create a JQuery-based web app for a public API of your choice


Choose any API you like to use, as long as it’s one that’s not already used in a previous hakcathon or learning challenge. Ideally, you should choose one relevant to something you care about. If you reall have a hard time choosing a public API, discuss with your classmates for ideas.

Github Repository

For the first time, there’s no skeleton code available. You need to create your own github repository from scratch. Hope by now you are ready to ride without any training wheel!


  • Have figured out how authentication works for the API of your choice (10 points)
  • Have developed one listing feature using the API (10 points)
  • Have developed one showing details feature using the API (10 points)
  • Have developed another listing feature using the API (10 points)
  • Have developed another showing details feature using the API (10 points)


11:59pm, Sunday


  • Add a post in this issue to “announce” your submission. Use the template below
# Name

# Score


which API do you use?

# Github

which github url to access the source of your app?


which gh-page url to see your app live?

# Screenshot

include a representative screenshot of your site here