Week 9


The topic of this week’s learning challenge is ReactJS.For the team learning component, the objective is to re-implement the Yelp site, again, using the ReactJS framework. A working skeleton code is provided for this.

For the individual learning component, the objective is to re-implement the API front-end site you worked on last week, using the ReactJS framework.

Team Learning (50 points)


Build a single-page app for Yelp, using ReactJS

Github Repository


The skeleton site is hosted at http://ucdd2-sp15.github.io/yelp-react and looks like below.


The functionality for listing and viewing doctors has been implementd. Click on the DOCTORS tab and see what happens. Read the code in contents/js/doctor and learn from this working example.

It would be a good idea to compare the code to those of yelp-jquery that you’ve seen before. You may have lost track of how many times you have to work with Yelp so far. The assumption is that you should be able to reuse a lot of knowledge and code you’ve accumulated in the past.


  • list restaurants (10 points)
  • view a restaurant (10 points)
  • list users (10 points)
  • view a user (10 points)
  • reuse/port the templates you built before (10 points)


11:59pm, Friday


You will be working with the same team.

Time and Location

Each team decides on a time and location to meet before the submission deadline.


The team leader will again take individual teams’ pull requests, merge them, and make a single pull request to the original repository, which is ucdd2-sp15/yelp-react.

Use the following Markdown template in the pull request message.

# Team members

# Score


Which gh-page url to access your team's "reactive" single-page app?

# Meeting Location

# Meeting Time
When? How long?

Individual Learning (50 points)


Port the web app you built for an API last week to ReactJS

Github Repository

None is provided. You should start a new one your own. It should not be the same one you used last week.


  • Got API authentication to work (either client-side or server-side) (10 points)
  • Ported one listing feature to ReactJS (10 points)
  • Ported one showing details feature to ReactJS (10 points)
  • Ported another listing feature to ReactJS (10 points)
  • Ported another showing details feature to ReactJS (10 points)


11:59pm, Sunday


Add a post in this issue to announce your submission. Use the template below

# Name

# Score

# ReactJS: Github

Which github url to access the source of the 'ReactJS' version of your app?

# ReactJS: Live Site

Which url to see your 'ReactJS' version of the app live?

# ReactJS: Screenshot

include a representative screenshot of your site here

# Original: Github

Which github url to access the source of the original version of your app?

# Original: Live Site

Which url to see your original version of the app live?