HACKATHON: Cyberbullying

In today’s meeting, instead of running a hackathon for the entire class, we will have three special activities.

Activity 1: Presentation

We will give everyone a chance to present the app they’ve worked on. You will first go as a team, presenting the web app your team has built collectively. Then, individual team members will take turns to present the app each person has built.

Activity 2: New Team

We will form new teams. This time, the team will stay together until the end to work on bigger projects. The maximum size of the team is 3.

Activity 3: Cyberbullying Research

The first task your new team will tackle is to build an app for the Cyberbullying Research conducted at the Computer Systems Lab in our CS department. You will hear a presentation from Homa Hosseinmardi, the PhD student leading the research, about her research team’s need for a web app to help with the research. With what you’ve learned so far this semester, you should be able to design and develop a working app in one week.

You will spend the rest of the class to start sketching out a plan to build the app. By the end of the class, you need to accomplish the following:

  • Have created a Github repository
  • Have laid out a basic file structure
  • Hvae made an implementation plan


11:59pm, Sunday



This folder contains an small subset of data from crawl of Instagram Social Network. There exists information for 88 media sessions.

Each row has image url plus all associate information as described below:

  • image_url: url for online image
  • profile_owner_id: User Id of the profile owner who posted the image
  • likes: Total number of likes the image received
  • owner_caption: The caption written by profile owner for image
  • caption_time: The time image has been posted
  • user_id_i: User of the poster of the comment i’th
  • comment_i: Content of i’th comment
  • creation_time_i: Post time of i’th comment

If you have any question, please post to this issue.


Create a post in this issue. Use the following template in the message:

# Team Name
What cool name does your team have?

# Team Members

# Implementation Plan
what steps, who will do what, by when ... etc

# Github URL
Which github repo your team uses for the app?