HACKATHON: Earthquake

This will be our final hackathon. You will design and make a plan to build an app to help the victims of the Nepal Earthquake. Since the strike of the earthquake, people local as well as all over the world have been trying to help in various creative ways. Would-be blood donors have posted their blood types and locations on Facebook. People looking for loved ones share photos and help each other. Can your team’s contribute the hacking skills you’ve acquired this semester to do something meaningful for the earthquake victims?

Suggested Approach

Read news articles about what victims need and how people have been trying to respond. Is there any gap, inefficiency, or ineffectiveness? Can you build a mobile/web app to help? You can assume that the mobile internet infrastructure is mostly intact.


90 minutes


  • Links to the new articles as the source of inspirations for your app
  • A design sketch of the main screens of your app
  • A writeup of the use cases supported by the app
  • An architecture diagram highlighting the major technical components
  • An implementation plan broken down into milestones


Create a repo that holds the documents your team has put together. Post in this issue using the following template in the message:

# Team Name
What is your team's name?

# Team Members

# Github URL
Which github repo your team uses for the app?