FCQ really needs a better website. Like the hackathon last week, a skeleton site has been made and is hosted at: https://murmuring-stream-1490.herokuapp.com/. Ten issues have been created for improving this skeleton site. How many can your team address in 150 minutes?


The Github repository for this site is at



This site’s data on a mongodb server as three separate collections: courses, instructors, and departments.

The URL to connect to the server is:


Use the mongo shell to explore the data

$ mongo ds043971.mongolab.com:43971/fcq -u ucdd -p hackathon

For each collection, find a document and examine what fields are available

PRIMARY> db.courses.findOne()
PRIMARY> db.instructors.findOne()
PRIMARY> db.departments.findOne()

Try some queries

PRIMARY> db.courses.find({'Subject':'CSCI'}).limit(3).pretty()

PRIMARY> db.courses.find({'insname1':'GRUNWALD, DIRK C'}).pretty()

PRIMARY> db.instructors.find({'name':'GRUNWALD, DIRK C'}).pretty()

PRIMARY> db.departments.find({department:'CSCI'}).pretty()    

PRIMARY> db.departments.find({department:'CSCI'}).pretty()


Solve all the issues marked for the hackathon milestone.


  • Is the site going to be used at one point? Quite possibly. We may continue to build this site as the semester progresses.Some campus partners have expressed interests in using this site.


  • Who works on what? The work must be fairly distributed among the team members. The site’s functionality is broken down into small, individual script files in routes/ and template files in views/ and its subdirectories, to make it easy for concurrent development and to minimize conflicts.
  • How can I indicate that I’ve fixed an issue? Each time you’ve fixed an issue, make a commit. Suppose you’ve just fixed issue 1 and are ready to commit to your branch, write fixed issue #1 in the commit message.

      $ git commit -a -m 'fixed #1'    
  • Should the site go live? Yes. You’ver practiced a couple times so far. It should be quite smooth. The team leader should publish the site to Heroku following this instruction. You only need to do the Set up step and the Deploy the app step. Ask for help if you are stuck.


2.5 hours


Work together with the same team from the previous week.


Use the same two-level fork-pull procedure you’ve done a few times so far.

  1. Fork. The team leader creates a fork (i.e., team’s fork).
  2. Fork. Each team member creates a fork of this team’s fork.
  3. Work. The team distributes works fairly to individual members to do.
  4. Pull. Once done, each team member makes a pull request to the leader.
  5. Pull. The leader merges all the pull requests and then make a single pull request to the course’s repository (i.e., https://github.com/ucdd2-sp15/fcq-express).


Submission Template

Use the following template in the pull request message:

# Team members

# Score

What Heroku URL to access this site? (e.g., https://frozen-tor-4197.herokuapp.com/)