HACKATHON: Project First Step

Refine Proposal, Make Progress

Today, we will have two activities related for your class projects.

  • Peer project proposal presentation and feedback
  • Working on the project

Peer Feedback


  • Write down the first two or three questions the other team asked. Put these into README.md under a new section called Q/As.
  • Help the other team identify at least three must-have features. These features must be entered as issues.
  • Help the other team figure out what would be a good demo to show.
  • Milestones must be specified as issues (some teams only had them in README.md).


Round One (20 minutes)

  • The Sky Team
  • OAuth Junkies
  • mtgdeckbuilder
  • Infamous Blue Kittens
  • The Grads
  • NP-Incomplete
  • Buzy Beez
  • 3685 Guys Burgers and Fries
  • Central Perk

Round Two (20 minutes)

  • The Sky Team
  • Infamous Blue Kittens
  • 3685 Guys Burgers and Fries
  • mtgdeckbuilder
  • The Grads
  • Buzy Beez
  • OAuth Junkies
  • NP-Incomplete
  • Central Perk


Make an intitial effort toward the project.