Learn React

This hackathon will be our first dive into ReactJS, a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The hackathon will take the form of a learn-a-thon. Your team’s objective is to collaboratively go through the official tutorial. Then, as a team, solve the 20 questions listed in quiz.md.


Fork the skeleton code for working on the tutorial. Use the two-level fork-pull process as before.



2 hours


Work together with the same team from the previous week.


  • Everyone on the team has completed the following:
    1. Support Markdown (5 points)
    2. Fetch comments from the server (5 points)
    3. Add new comments (5 points)
    4. Support optimitstic updates (5 points)
  • Answer all 20 questions (1.5 points x 20 = 30 points)


  1. Fork. The team leader creates a fork (i.e., team’s fork).
  2. Fork. Each team member creates a fork of this team’s fork.
  3. NEW Learn & Commit. Each team member goes through the tutorial and completes all four milestones. A separate commit must be made after the completion of each milestone. The commit message should be in the form like completed milestone i where i = 1, 2, 3, or 4. The goal is that each individual would have a commit log containing at least four commits to document the individual’s learning progress.
  4. NEW Quiz. Answer the 20 questions in quiz.md to test your understanding. The questions should be fairly distributed among the team members.
  5. Pull. Everyone makes a pull request to the team leader when he or she has completed (1) all milestones, and (2) his or her assigned portion of the questions.
  6. Pull. The team leader takes everyone’s pull request, merges them, and makes a combined pull request to the original repository.

Submission Template

Use the following template in your submission message.

# Team members

# Score

# Solution

{{ url to your team's completed quiz.md (e.g., https://github.com/ucdd2-sp15/react-tutorial/blob/master/quiz.md) }}