Build a Mockup for Yelp

A skeleton site is at: http://ucdd2-sp15.github.io/yelp-ws/

List of Restaurants


Detail of a Restaurant



The Github repository for this site is at



This site currently hosts four types of data: restaurants, doctors, tips, and users. They are stored in the contents/data folder as static json files.

Click here to see these JSON files on Github


Create design sketches for listing restaurants, doctors, tips, and users as well as for viewing a specific item.

Implement mockups of these sketches by modifying the following jade template files:

  • List Restaurants: listRestaurants.jade
  • List Doctors: listDoctors.jade
  • List Tips: listTips.jade
  • List Users: listUsers.jade
  • View a Restaurant: viewRestaurant.jade
  • View a Doctor: viewDoctor.jade
  • View a Tip: viewTip.jade
  • View a User: viewUser.jade



  • How should I make sketches? Use pen and pencials. If you have a favorite mockup tool, you can use it too.
  • How good should these sketches be? Something reasonable and quick.
  • How should I submit these sketches? Take photos of your sketches using a camera. Or take a screenshot if you use a mockup tool. Add the images to the Design page.
  • How should I implement the layout in my design? Take a look at the Grid page for examples.
  • Should images be used? Yes. The pages for listing and viewing restaurants, doctors, and users must include photos (e.g., a photo of the restaurant). Photos are optional for tips. The paths to the images can be hardcoded.


  • Who works on what? The work must be fairly distributed among the team members. Each team member must be responsible for at least one or two pages.
  • Should the site go live? Yes. The team leader should publish the site to gh-pages under his or her own account.


2 hours


Work together with the same team from the previous week.


Use the same two-level fork-pull procedure you’ve done a few times so far.

  1. Fork. The team leader creates a fork (i.e., team’s fork).
  2. Fork. Each team member creates a fork of this team’s fork.
  3. Work. The team distributes sections fairly to individual members to work on.
  4. Pull. Once done, each team member makes a pull request to the leader.
  5. Pull. The leader merges all the pull requests and then make a single pull request to the course’s repository (i.e., https://github.com/ucdd2-sp15/yelp-ws).


  • Design sketches (10 points)
  • List Restaurants (5 points)
  • List Doctors (5 points)
  • List Tips (5 points)
  • List Users (5 points)
  • View a Restaurant (5 points)
  • View a Doctor (5 points)
  • View a Tip (5 points)
  • View a User (5 points)

Submission Template

Use the following template in the pull request message:

# Team members

# Score

What URL to access this site?

Useful Resources
